Focusing on pigeon
control methods.
With one service we'll drive off the birds that are infesting your premises now and
prevent new birds from taking over.

Pigeon waste removal & clean-up is crucial before Bird Proofing, We make sure to
safely & effectively remove any nest, feces & debris left behind from birds.

Commercial or residential, pigeons sure know how to make a mess. One mating
pair quickly turns into a small family. Within a year or two your house or commercial
building can literally be covered with fecal matter.

Pigeons are attracted to the scent of their mothers droppings. When left alone,
pigeons and their offspring will stay together on your structure until the end of their
natural lives. Pigeons are abundant in cities and around rural areas. They conflict
with humans for several reasons. Their droppings deface buildings, kill vegetation,
and are aesthetically displeasing when deposited on benches, sidewalks, and cars.
Around grain elevators, pigeons consume and contaminate grain destined for human

Birds are known vectors of disease. Pigeons do not carry West Nile Virus, which
recently has been blamed for thousands of sick people and a few deaths. One way
birds get people sick is when mosquitoes, ticks, or mites, feed on the birds and then
on us. In this way disease is spread to humans. West Nile Virus is not the only
disease to worry about. Pigeons carry Pigeon Ornithosis (psittacosis), Encephalitis,
Newcastle disease, Toxoplasmosis, Salmonella food poisoning and other diseases.
Histoplasmosis, a fungal disease that can infect people, can be contracted when
cleaning up accumulations of dusty pigeon manure. Pigeon ectoparasites such
as mites, fleas, ticks, and bugs may readily bite people.Pigeons are also
considered a hazard around airports. Pigeons have been known to cause roof
leaks, from huge accumulations of droppings, which in time will either rot away a
roof, or dam up rainwater that may sit on the roof for weeks, until it finds a way
into the structure.

A number of options exist for managing or preventing nuisance situations
involving pigeons:

Cleanup of bird infested sites is a first priority and is usually completed before a
full exclusion program is started. Pigeons often prefer to use the interior
portions of homes, buildings to nest and roost if an opportunity for access is
provided. Openings to lofts, attics, steeples, vents, and eaves can be blocked
by installing wire mesh or other material to eliminate birds from nesting and

Our Pigeon Control Process is simple!

• Remove Nests and Loose Droppings

• Cleaning
Before we can install anything on any structure, it must be thoroughly cleaned.
We start by removing and bagging all nests and loose debris on the structure.
This reduces the amount of debris coming off the structure during the pressure
washing phase.

Pressure Wash All Pigeon Affected Areas
We use a 3000 PSI pressure washer to clean structures with pigeon affected
areas. This includes all nest and roosting areas. It also includes areas where
pigeon fecal matter may have accumulated, such as sidewalks, Driveways,
Walls, beams, Ledges, etc. We always wash walls and concrete areas
affected as the runoff from the pressure washing occurs. The end result will
be a very clean structure.

Install Deterrents
Next, we install any deterrents agreed upon in the estimate, which may
include netting, spikes, screening, mesh, bird wire, electric shock systems,
and more.

Minor Adjustments
As necessary, we will adjust to the new habits which pigeons are forced to
make from the new deterrents placed in their former homes and perch areas.

All work is guaranteed! We stand behind our products, installation and
effective performance. We've been in business long enough to assure
our clients that if the birds return to any area that we have treated which
have not been disturbed by any building maintenance or repair activities
we'll be back to take care of the problem at no charge.

Copyright ©2012 | Premier Rodent & Bird Proofing | 3958 Valley Avenue Suite D. Pleasanton, CA. 94566 | All Rights Reserved